about me

Anna Becker As a Portland native, I grew up in the city and after high school graduation was ready for a change of scenery. In the fall of 2008, I found myself in Gambier, Ohio as a freshman at Kenyon College. During my time at Kenyon I received a BA in Sociology with a minor in French.

After graduation, and four years of miserable Ohio winters, I moved back to Portland. After graduation I began volunteering at a local nonprofit dedicated to the academic success and lifelong health of Portland’s underserved youth through tennis and education. After my first day of volunteering I was extremely impressed with the organization's mission, impact, and staff. I continued to volunteer throughout the summer of 2012 and in late August was hired on.

I worked at the nonprofit for three and a half years. In my time with the organization I was a Coach/Tutor and provided one-on-one tutoring and tennis instruction to elementary through high school aged children. In the second year of my employment I took over as Manager of St. Johns Racquet Center, the facility in which the organization is located. Most recently, I worked as the Development Director writing grants, cultivating donors, and organizing major fundraisers.

Throughout my schooling and employment I always enjoyed the design and creative elements of my work the most. During my time at the nonprofit I had the opportunity to create promotional materials in Adobe Illustrator and redesign the website. As I started to look into what I wanted to do next in my career path I knew that I wanted it to include design and technology.

Right around this time I was hearing more and more about code boot camps. I was interested in learning more about the schools and speaking with a graduate. I reached out to a former colleague of mine who had graduated from Epidocus. My colleague was very encouraging in my exploration of coding. After our meeting I decided I knew what I wanted to do next and submitted my Epicodus application.

I had a very positive experience at Epicodus and am excited to see where my programming skills take me next!




Intro to Programming